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"Love is All There Is."

Meet Marcia

Sat Nam and Welcome!
  My name is Marcia and I am honored you have joined me here to share in my soul's adventure.
  I have been on quite a journey in this life of pursuing what most people desire-love, peace, prosperity and joy in so many ways possible.  I have been co-creating with the Divine by tapping into the mystical (the Akashic Records and Divine Feminine Guidance) and exploring the physical realm (Kundalini Yoga, connecting to Mother Earth and creation-the Shakti).  My purpose in this lifetime is to be the Sacred Warrior in the Service of Love every day.  My mission is to share the ageless wisdom of the Akashic Records, the Divine Feminine and Kundalini Yo
ga with you to enliven, enrich and unearth your divine destiny according to the highest potential of your soul's blueprint.


Akasha Shakti is the Divine Feminine in action.  During this lifetime, it has become my divine mission to be the Sacred Warrior in the Service of Love.  I have personally explored this life theme in quite a number of ways through my own journey of self-discovery of being a woman of the Aquarian Age.





The Akashic Records are vibrational archives of our soul's blueprint.  All that has happened to us as souls in the past in other lifetimes is revealed allowing for deep healing of negative patterns inhibiting us in our current life.  The Akashic Records also contain all potential future possibilities of our soul purpose or Dharma as we travel along the path of our lives based on the choices freely made by us.

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